FindImagePos return_offset 1 (center) not working

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FindImagePos return_offset 1 (center) not working

Post by drunkenmonkey » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:28 am

Using the latest version June 2023, The FindImagePos has always working fine. The return_offset has a problem on my workstation now.
The command param result 1 is pointing out to the the Top Right instead image center. The result just happen since yesterday. Before that it was always point to the center of the image. The other param options, 0 and 2 to 8 result works fine.
I have reinstall MS and result are the same.
Is there a troubleshooting solution to fix this problem?
Thank you!

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Re: FindImagePos return_offset 1 (center) not working

Post by jonathangoss » Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:38 pm

can you post your code and a screenshot of the image and where it sends the resulting mouse?
for reference, mine does this:


and therefore correctly moves the mouse to the middle of the image

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Re: FindImagePos return_offset 1 (center) not working

Post by drunkenmonkey » Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:43 pm

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunatly I can't send you the code.
I found that his return_offset with param 1 is not the only one I have.
Clearly MS didn't digest my script. Figure of speaking.
With this command, as an example from the help document XLOpen>%USERDOCUMENTS_DIR%\mybook.xls,1,xlBook
I used for many years the same code on a different xl file naturally, and the same problem with the param 1 happened. Instead of opening in visible mode it say in hidding mode.
Tried the XLOpen command in a test script and that works fine.
So my conclusion is that for a reason I can't figure my script got corrupted.
From a back up I run the script and it launched prfectly.
I just have to make the adjustments to file. Total of 3 days work to recuperate.
This issue can be close. :cry: but also :D that I found a solution to this issue.

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