Ahh, thanks for the clarification... you want to use the data that has been
imported using "Tools/Import Bitmap Data" as the needle instead of the actual
.bmp file you imported it from, I understand you now... interesting.
Well yes, that's something new so I believe the FindImagePos command would
have to be enhanced but I have no idea how large an effort that would be. Even
if its not that huge, Marcus would have to feel this is worth doing so... can
you post any reasons/examples where this capability would really come in
handy? Also it helps if the enhancement is generic i.e. a lot of users could
benefit instead of just a very few. The more justification you can provide,
the better your chances.
Marcus, what do you think about this as a potential enhancement? Possible or
not a chance? Comments?
JRL, thanks for that excellant example. I added a few Wait>2 commands just to
be able to see the dialog as everything flashes by so quickly, you can't see
it happen.
There is something odd going on after you run your example though. For me,
right after I run your script and close the MessageModal> dialog at the end...
the icon in the upper lefthand corner of the Macro Scheduler Main Screen
changes from the cog to a generic white square!?
Marcus, can you try JRL's code too please... does this happen for you? Does
anyone know why this happens?
P.S. Does anyone else out there hate
when phpBB starts showing these forum
msgs super wide so that you have to do a bunch of horizontal scolling just to
read the message? I assume its a bug or "undocumented feature" of phpBB but
perhaps its something we're adding into our posts. If anyone knows, please
tell as then we could avoid that like the plague so our forum posts don't go
spilling off into the horizontal-scroll-zone.
Note 1: I've reformatted this post to make it more readable... manually... but
I'd like not to have to do this.
Note 2: OK, it goes super wide when you post code with a very long line in it
(like the image data line in JRL's code above) and you put that inside BBCode
meant for code... i.e. you highlight it and click the "Code" butten when you
create your forum post.
I am trying an alternative way to post code... lets see if this can be copied
and pasted and will work just a well as the "Code" block method... here's
JRL's same code (with Wait>2 commands)...
MDL>X=%foundLocX_0% Y=%foundLocY_0% Quantity=%numFound%
{replace with line from JRL's code above}
~end of code~
Note 3: JRL, the Macro Scheduler Main Window icon changes whether I run your
first example (above in green) or the new version you've reposted in your
original post above that uses LibFunc>. Is this happening to anyone else out