Macro to unfreeze pc

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Macro to unfreeze pc

Post by wdc » Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:44 am

Is it possible to write a MacroScheduler macro that accomplishes the series of operations described below?

First let me say why I want the macro.

Several months ago (in the course of loading an anti-virus program) my W98 pc developed bad stability problems. I uninstalled the AV program and managed to get the pc going again , but now it frequently freezes up. Often it will be working fine at midnight when I leave it playing a music stream from the internet; and then find it frozen when I return to the pc in the morning). I have yet to discover how to eliminate the problem but I have discovered (by hit-and-miss experimenting) how to correct it.

When the system freezes the cursor arrow changes to an hourglass. I can restore the arrow through these steps:

 I do a C-A-D and view a list of running programs.
 I highlight “Msgsrv32 (not responding)â€Â


Post by Lumumba » Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:56 pm


Lexmark Printer Port Scanner. Background task which auto-loads with the rest of the printer drivers and which allows your Lexmark X or Z Series to be shared over a Windows peer-to-peer network using the conventional method of setting up a shared networked printer (without it, you will not be able to share the printer using the conventional Windows method).

Recommendation :
This task is a comprehensive nightmare. From preventing your PC from booting up, to interfering with your network card, to asking your Internet firewall for permission to install itself as a server application, to general PC instability, this task has everything to make you instantly return your Lexmark X or Z Series printer and go for something else, and some users have done so !! In order to regain your sanity the first thing to do is to
rename LEXPPS.EXE to LEXPPS.EXE.OLD (do it in Safe Mode if you cannot boot your PC normally) – this will ensure that this task never loads and will cure all the problems that it causes. If you need to network the printer over a peer to peer network, do not use the standard manner, instead install the printer as a local printer on the remote PC, and then go and change the port from a local port to the network share that the printer is known as. ... list_l.htm

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Post by wdc » Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:31 pm

Lumumba: Thank you for your suggestions. But re changing LEXPPS.EXE to LEXPPS.EXE.OLD: is LEXPPS.EXE.OLD really a valid name (with two dots??)? ... wdc


Post by Lumumba » Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:46 pm

LEXPPS.EXE.OLD really a valid name (with two dots??)?
Yes, indeed. This way its no longer an executable which could be executed (by whatever hidden service) and harm your system, but it keeps its former/original extension and is therefore easier to identify if you need to recover it for whatever reason.

You could also name it LEXPPS.EXE.TXT. Once opened/executed with its assigned application (eg. Notepad) you would be able to see its compiled source code :shock: :lol:


Post by Lumumba » Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:49 pm

This way its no longer an executable ...
Better. Its not seen/handled by the system as an executable. :wink:

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Post by wdc » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:09 pm

I changed lexpps.exe to lexpps.exe.old and the system stability improved for about two days. Then it started to display same freeze-ups again. When I did a Start\Find C:\lexpps.* I found that I had lexpps.exe. Somehow it regenerated!?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (even though we have moved far from MS.) ..... wdc

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Post by Bob Hansen » Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:29 pm

After running AntiVirus software, AdAware, SpyBot, and cleaning up system, then look to see what programs are still running. (CTL-ALT-DEL per your original request will show some of them). Compare what is running in that list to files at Task List. Good site to help ID if certain programs should be disabled/deleted/enabled.
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by wdc » Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:38 pm

Re LEXPPS.EXE -- Following Lumumba's and Bob Hansen's advice (also see below) I want to change the name of LEXPPS.EXE to LEXPPS.EXE.OLD. But when I try to do so using the FIND and right-click\commands, I get rejected as “the file is being used by Windows.â€Â


Post by Lumumba » Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:00 pm

(do it in Safe Mode if you cannot boot your PC normally)
I seem to remember that you can use "F8" at bootup to select the "Safe Mode". In this case only mandatory/system drivers are loaded, therefore LEXPPS.EXE should be accessible for renaming.

Or kill all occurences of LEXPPS.exe via the TaskManager and try to rename it right afterwards

Or change to plain DOS mode and rename it there.

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Post by Bob Hansen » Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:20 pm

Reboot your computer. Then press F8 as soon as you see the message "Loading Windows....." at the bottom of your screen.
you may need to press F8 every 1 second while rebooting. But you should end up with a DOS type menu.
If you see the Windows logo splash screen, you have missed it, should finish loading windows normally, then select to restart again.

One of the choices on this DOS menu should be Safe Mode. But another choice may be Command or Single Step. Choosing one of those instead of SAFE Mode will allow you to get into the DOS mode. (MAY BE, because not all systems show same menu choices). If you use Single Step, you can exclude the WIN command at the end, or pressing CTL-C in the middle of the single step process may break out of the steps. This gets you to a DOS prompt.

Now you can just use REN Path\LEXPPS.exe Path\LEXPPS_exe.old (I replaced the first period with an underscore. Personal preference, I don't like multiple periods in file names. Does the same thing, renames the file, but you know the original extension).
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by wdc » Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:59 am

Bob: Yes, renaming in safemode did it. Thanks so much. .... wdc

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Post by wdc » Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:56 pm

Lumumba, Bob Hansen: After suffering for months with my “Lexpps problemâ€Â


Post by Lumumba » Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:46 pm

In Google/MS search results page there are several articles related to the "msgsrv32 not responding". All seem related to your power management settings and suggest to turn it off and let Windows mange the power settings as the resolve.
Here's what the owner of your OS recommends :arrow:
[Msgsrv32 Not Responding When Computer Hangs While Idle]

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