Upgraded and macros are gone

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Upgraded and macros are gone

Post by bernie » Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:35 pm

I must've done something stupid, but I don't know exactly what [nor how to recover]: I upgraded Msched to and now all my macros are gone. I told the installed that the 'macro directory' was, in fact, the directory I'd been using, but now when I run msced there aren't any macros listed [and in particular, the ones I'd had set to run on a schedule aren't running].

What did I do wrong? And what should I do to get my macro-settings back?


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Post by armsys » Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:46 pm

Hi Bernie,

Stay calm. In the main Macro scheduler window, press Alt+F,I. Then import those scrpits which you created previously. Good luck.

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Post by bernie » Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:08 pm

That doesn't seem to have done the right thing on two fronts. When I look in my macros directory, I now see that *every* macros appears twice:

Download Headers.scp
Dwonload Headers1.scp
Fetch email.scp
Fetch email1.scp

And it is very odd, because both copies have the xame creation date info... [and several macros didn't get imported at all].

In addition, all my 'settings' are gone: the 'scheduled' stuff...

I'm a little lost because I"ve upgraded msched before without a problem and I don't recall anything in the upgrade for this version taht warned that it was going to hose all your macros and settings....

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Post by support » Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:14 pm

During installation you had the option of Complete or Minimum installation. Minimum would have kept your macros and settings intact. Complete installs the sample scripts and basic macros.dat file. So you probably selected Complete and overwrote your macros.dat file.

You still have all your .scp files and can import them but you will have lost schedule settings and will need to recreate these for each macro.

On install the Minimum option will have been preselected if you have installed Macro Scheduler before and it also says "Recommended for existing users upgrading from a previous version".
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Post by armsys » Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:26 pm

Hi bernie,

Don't be panic. When importing scripts and when scripts already exist, it creates files with names *1.scp to avoid overwriting original scripts. If you recover your previous scripts. just delete these duplicate scripts.

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Post by bernie » Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:34 pm

Actually, I did do a 'minimum' install [for exactly the reason you mentioned] but it still seemed to mess up my directory: groups are gone, all the schedule settings, etc. As part confirmation of the minimal install, there are no "new" scripts in my macros directory, so I didn't get the sample scripts, etc... Oh well... shouldn't be too hard to fix up and I'll be more careful next time...

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